What We Want From New Leaders (In A Post-Crisis World) - UNACOV Fireside Chat

Join John Bittleston, Founder Mentor & Executive Chairman Terrific Mentors International and Yen-Lu Chow, co-founder, Asia Institute of Mentoring, in a fireside chat moderated by Lita Nithyanandan to explore one of the most pressing topics of our time: What We Want From New Leaders (in a Post-Crisis World)?

The leadership challenges of our time have been vividly exposed and accentuated by the current pandemic sweeping the globe. In this inaugural fireside chat organized by the AIM United Against COVID-19 (UNACOV) initiative, we explored many leadership (and mentoring) questions:

- What are some of the top qualities we expect from a leader during times of crisis and change?
- Do good leaders need to be good mentors too?
- Can mentoring help develop a good leader? How?
- Does a great leader equate to a great mentor? Why?
- How can we influence more business leaders to become mentors?
- How can we find a suitable mentor?
- What do you think of the ''pay it forward' approach to mentoring?
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