Career Clinic for Job Seekers - UNACOV Webinar Replay

If you're worried about your job security
If your job has been impacted by Covid-19
If you are unhappy in your current job
If you want to pivot your career
If you want to find new opportunities
If you have lost your job
If you want to improve your networking & job search techniques for the future
This job search clinic is for you! We will take you through:
A 5-step strategy for applying for jobs online (Note - 3 of these steps occur before you've even sent your CV)
The must-have features for your CV/Cover letter (to create a high-converting and memorable document)
How to craft your online profile, so HR/Recruiters can find you
How to use Linkedin to research, map leads and network (the Headhunters approach)

Why you need to become a savvy networker online/offline to increase your job-search conversion
1 key tip to becoming memorable online, to beat the competition
How you will benefit from this session:

You will learn why adopting a ‘marketers’ approach is critical to improve your chances of being noticed
You will learn the importance of building a personal brand, so you are memorable online
You will learn how to network online, so opportunities come to you
You will learn the importance of follow-up to increase your conversions
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