UNACOV Replay - Fireside Chat: Self Care for Health Care Workers

The physical and psychological well-being of our healthcare workers are being tested during these unprecedented times. The front-lines are delivering heroically but the shock waves from this pandemic could potentially be massive and long-lasting.

Self-care is often the first thing that gets sacrificed when life is hectic and stressful, and people often think that taking time for themselves seems indulgent. But looking after your own well-being is imperative through this challenging time, and to better care for others.

Amidst implications for individuals and collective health, incorporating self-care practices into your daily rituals can help you sustain your well-being in offering your BEST SELF in your daily interactions.

How will the audience benefit from the session?

Understand self-care as a superpower in your caring role
Learn effective ways to reconnect and replenish your reservoir
Ways to build resilience to flow and thrive in disruption
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