About the Certified Professional Mentor (CPM) Program

The CPM Program is AIM's flagship 7-week 7-module intensive holistic mentor training program to provide you with a solid foundation in the art and science of mentoring

At the completion of the program, you will receive certification as an AIM Certified Professional Mentor (CPM)

The CPM Certification process includes a mentoring practicum where the candidate is required to complete 2 mentorship cycles (each 3-6 months in duration within a 12-month timeframe)

Training Modules

  • What does it mean to be a Mentor?

  • Skills and Strategies for the Mentoring Journey

  • Practical Skills of a Mentor

  • Making Change Happen

  • Mentoring Inside Out

  • Mentoring: the AIM Way

  • Mentoring in Action: All Your Tools

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Join our Mentor Certification Program

Acquire and apply core mentoring skills, knowledge, style and attitude to make a significant difference in others' lives

Become more self-aware and heart-centered; mentor with greater confidence

Gain new perspectives by becoming a member of the community and learning with other mentors 

Form authentic relationships with a community of like-minded mentors; enjoy on-going support on your mentoring journey

Make mentoring a pillar in your personal and professional development

Leave a positive and lasting footprint within your community, by paying it forward to the wider world

Who Is It For?

  • Leaders, managers, current and aspiring mentors

  • Individuals who have a desire to contribute to other people’s growth and success 

  • Individuals who are committed to pay it forward by serving two or more cycles as mentors

  • Individuals who see mentoring as a life-long journey

(Become an AIM member and receive up to  20% discount on the course fee.)

What Our Past CPM Participants said about the Program

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Anita Kapoor
Host, facilitator, speaker

The course is an important and major step towards changing the current mentorship landscape by recognising that the role of a mentor isn't just about expertise in a field, a title or experience, or talking about your accomplishments, it is about being able to resonate authentic emotional intelligence and genuine interest in each relationship, to respect the relationship as equals, look at challenges with intelligent empathy, and, to know your limits. 

It also guides each mentor on how to recognise attributes that have not been a part of our offering and why it is needed, how to build and maintain. 

A highlight for me was the emotional/ mental/ spiritual hygiene module, which examines the mentor inside out. And how the field between coach, mentor and counsellor was levelled."

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Beng Hong Tan

"I have thoroughly enjoyed all the 6 modules and breakout room discussions! Great teaching materials, extensive networking and interesting mental healthcare exposure to me who is new in this field. 

My top 3 key learnings were: 
1.  Setting my personal mission statement is pertinent
2. Learning the important listening skills to do my job better
3. Creating a community of love and support during this Covid hardship is key

Much appreciated and thank you all who have made this experience possible!”

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Steve Cordeiro
Business owner, Director

" I joined to acquire knowledge and develop some formal skills of mentoring. I got this and much more.  

I have become much more understanding, tolerant and patient.  

The program has helped me use my skills and knowledge more effectively to help others.  

I have become better at listening, questioning and analysis of situations"