Create Changing Career Perspectives - UNACOV Career Webinar

Despite the progressive roll back of the Singapore’s Circuit Breaker in June 2020 that allows majority if not all of businesses to resume operations, the outlook for many organizations is still highly uncertain.

A recent survey by SSON in collaboration with Edgeverve, Assistedge and Infosys-BPM Ltd points out that businesses report 30% increase in delayed collection of sales revenue, 14% increase in cost of operations and 20% increase in gaps in back office service delivery. These statistics reiterate the difficulties for many businesses in “returning to normal” which in turn could impact hiring decisions and employment opportunities.

Among the working population, PMETs (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians) forming more than 50% of the Singapore’s workforce is the group that faces greater risk to redundancy and retrenchment based on past years’ evidence.

The webinar shares strategies for PMETs on:

1. How to rise above this environment of uncertainty and volatility
2. How to differentiate themselves from the crowd at the workplace
3. What to do in times of such business uncertainty and employment risks
4. What are the the possible action plans if your employment has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
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