UNACOV Webinar Replay: Entrepreneurship as Career Choice

We are living in an increasingly VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) World. The pandemic that is sweeping the globe is just the latest example of the new normal. What started out as a health crisis has metamorphosed into a financial crisis. Many have lost their livelihoods as the economy has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. We may be entering a global depression. The future seems more uncertain than ever.
In this brave new world, entrepreneurship has been touted as a career of choice, and entrepreneurship has become one of the most pursued career choices globally. But is entrepreneurship for everyone? Could it be overrated as a career choice, glamorized by the media in “rags to riches” stories, an easy get rich path to money, fame and IPO? Does every entrepreneurial journey have a happy ending? Is there a dark side to entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneur as a career choice, is it... or not? Come find out for yourself…
Join Anuj Jain, Co-founder & CEO of Startup-O, Bernadette Cho, General Manager of Entrepreneur First (EF) Singapore, and Yen-Lu Chow, Co-founder of Asia Institute of Mentoring, serial entrepreneur, angel investor and social change maker, in a fireside chat to explore the topic of Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice.
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