Creating New Leader for the VUCA World - A AIM Unacov Fireside Chat (19 Sep 20)

“Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man” is a phrase that has evolved over centuries to describe the observation that, often, the right leader emerges from the crowd to suit the challenge at hand.
Yet, clearly, it doesn’t always happen.
So what education, morality, and emotional intelligence give society the best chance to spawn good leaders when they are needed?
We explored the phenomenal changes that have occurred - even in the last six months - to what is needed in new leadership:
- The skills of managing people working from home, often part-time, unsupervised
- The pressure exerted by a pandemic raging through the world
Handling slippery supply chains that are whimsically upset by political decisions
- Rewarding a workforce getting daily offers of alternative jobs
- Making the disciplines of sustainability and diversity coexist with law and order
- Educating all employed people in technology, regulatory compliance, compatibility
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