Lai Kah Seng


Lai Kah Seng

Short Description for List View

Years of Professional Experience : 1

Industries : Logistics

Occupation : Executive

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career , Entrepreneurship , Leadership , Personal Wellbeing

Areas of Interest : Community-building , Data Analytics , Financial Investments , Leadership , Project Management , Supply Chain Management , Teams / Team-building

Values : Commitment , Empathy , Inspiring Others , Integrity , Respect

My Life Goals and Objectives : To create positive change in projects that I do, and to inspire people to become better versions of themselves through learning and reflecting on their personal experiences.

Short Bio : I am a self-motivated and goals-oriented person, and set up plans for things that I do. I have experiences in creating and leading teams in university, and also enjoyed coaching juniors to step up to leadership roles and lead with positive impact. I enjoy getting to know and inspire more people to create positive change in their own individual ways. I strive to understand individuals through their personal experiences, and aim to develop growth mindset to enable them to acheive their goals.