Ryion Pun

Our CPMs

Ryion Pun

Short Description for List View

Years of Mentoring Experience : 2

Years of Professional Experience : 20

Industries : Technology

Occupation : Senior Management

LinkedIN Profile : http://linkedin.com/in/ryion-pun

Areas of Expertise : Career , Leadership , Personal Wellbeing

Areas of Interest : Data Analytics , e-Commerce , Financial Investments , Health & Wellness , Spiritual Practice , Sustainable Foods

Values : Balance , Empathy , Inspiring Others , Integrity , Making a Difference , Optimism , Spirituality , Trust , Wisdom

My Life Goals and Objectives : Less is more. I walk a path of simplicity and find joy along the way. Every day, I inspire others to find their own path of simplicity that guides them to become their best-self.

Short Bio : I am an avid Bruce Lee fan and I study Jeet Kune Do (JKD). I apply its philosophy in everyday life. One of the key principles of JKD is simplicity. In the busy world, people gravitate towards doing more and owning more. I do the opposite. At work, my favorite question is “what can we stop doing that are not adding value to the organization?” I am a storyteller through data. I distill complicated and unstructured problems into simple forms and help organizations make better decisions. Currently, I am the Finance Director at Amazon, serving the finance team that oversees the data center operations in Asia (APJC). My mission at work is to be an owner multiplier - by creating space for big thinking and innovation, by giving people stretch challenges that grow them, by creating the conditions for robust debate, by investing in people, and by instilling ownership and accountability. I am also an angel investor, supporting founders who have the vision to make positive and impactful contributions to their communities.