Richard Ng

Our CPMs

Richard Ng

Short Description for List View

Years of Mentoring Experience : 19

Years of Professional Experience : 26

Industries : Technology

Occupation : Senior Management

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career , Leadership

Areas of Interest : Business Development , Coaching , Leadership , Project Management

Values : Empathy , Making a Difference , Resilience , Respect , Trust

My Life Goals and Objectives : To lead a purposeful life making a difference to the next generation of leaders and managers

Short Bio : More than 20 years of experience in key leadership positions across multiple corporate and business functions in both public and private sector. Enjoys engaging young adults and youths on their journey navigating their career and life stages. Value systems include: 1. Integrity 2. Empathy 3. Value Creation 4. Open Communications 5. Resilience Most common perspectives shared with mentees: “In our career journey, we all need to have 2 Rs. The First is Resilience which is defined by the physical, mental and emotional endurance to hang on and want to see things through despite set backs and difficulties and the Second is Resourcefulness without which no matter how resilient one is we may never find a way out to overcome the situation” “In life we need to understand 2 key equations. 1. Success = F(Opportunity, Ability), and 2. Satisfaction = F(Success, Affinity)”