Md Hazril Rosle


Md Hazril Rosle

Short Description for List View

Years of Professional Experience : 10

Industries : Consulting , Education , Government , Learning & Development

Occupation : Professional

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career

Areas of Interest : Coaching , Teaching , Training

Values : Achievement , Continuous Learning , Freedom , Inspiring Others , Responsibility

My Life Goals and Objectives : To exel in my career and help others that in need

Short Bio : With more than 10 years of coaching and training advisory experience in both public and private sector. Mr Md Hazril is an experienced facilitator in empowering individuals to be aware of their own values, strengths and personalities so that they can maximise their potential. His experience in diverse engagements with participants of different profiles such as back to work mothers, students, NS men’s, seniors, in mates etc allows him to be able to understand and address the varying needs of his participants. His professional certification as a Global Career Development Facilitator (GDCF), Advanced Certificate in Career Development Facilitation and Advanced Diploma in Psychology, further equips him to conduct various personality and skills profiling which gives him a competitive edge as a career facilitator.