International Coach Federation, Bernadette Cenzon


International  Coach Federation, Bernadette Cenzon

Short Description for List View

Years of Professional Experience : 30

Industries : Consulting , Education , Learning & Development

Occupation : Business owner / Director

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career , Leadership , Personal Wellbeing

Areas of Interest : Coaching , Communications , Creative Arts , Health & Wellness , Training

Values : Authenticity , Creativity , Family , Integrity , Respect

My Life Goals and Objectives : To use skills as a life and career coach to help youth and families build strong and lasting families and help youth forge solid character and personality.

Short Bio : Career profile: includes a specialization in trade and commodity finance having worked for Dutch and French banks in Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore establishing commodity finance desks including staff training. Lecturer in Singapore Management University and co created an Executive Course for Trade & Commodity Finance attended by over 100 participants in a span of 7 years; founded 2 enterprises one in consultancy for trade and commodity finance and the other a high end boutique for hand crafted leather products; became a coach in 2015 with the International Coach Federation (PCC) credentialed to the present as a life and career transition coach; mentors as a life coach with a Singaporean based entity, BilberriesBlue which specializes in youth character formation and enterpreneurism and The Economics of Universal Well Being. Youth includes from Singapore, Malaysia, HongKong and Philippines. Taught in the Education University of Hongkong on Work/Life Balance ; created an initiative for professionals on Creativity; Well being, family orientation for Hong Kong professionals pre-covid; Creativity skills include pottery and ceramics ; water colour painting; hand crafted leather products; semi precious stones jewelry craft and design, photography and classical guitar