Hinrich Foundation, Gabish Joshi

Our CPMs

Hinrich Foundation, Gabish Joshi

Short Description for List View

Years of Mentoring Experience : 1

Years of Professional Experience : 15

Industries : Consulting

Occupation : Senior Management

LinkedIN Profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabishjoshi/

Areas of Expertise : Entrepreneurship

Areas of Interest : Startups

Values : Compassion , Empathy , Inspiring Others , Making a Difference , Relationship

My Life Goals and Objectives : Being a social intrapreneur with a career focus on the synergy between sustainability and business, I aspire to be an empathic sustainability leader who is always willing to support and empower his team, whenever wherever necessary. I aspire to build trust and meaningful collaboration to solve complex problems by utilizing my knowledge, experience and expertise.

Short Bio : Gabish is a social entrepreneur focused on the synergy between sustainability and business. As a country lead for Ennovent, a business venture catalyst for low-income markets in developing countries, he is responsible for spearheading the planning and formulation of project proposals, leading sales, marketing, business development. He also maintains partnerships with entrepreneurs, corporates, funders, NGOs, expert community and other stakeholders to enable the growth of Ennovent’s activities in Nepal.