Coddiwompling, Jenson Goh

Our CPMs

Coddiwompling, Jenson Goh

Short Description for List View

Years of Mentoring Experience : 17

Years of Professional Experience : 25

Industries : Consulting , Education , Learning & Development , Non-Profit / Philanthropy , Technology

Occupation : Business owner / Director

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career , Entrepreneurship , Leadership , Personal Wellbeing

Areas of Interest : Business Development , Coaching , Communications , Community-building , Design Thinking , Entrepreneurship , Leadership , Project Management , Public Speaking , Startups , Teaching , Teams / Team-building , Training , Volunteerism

Values : Compassion , Continuous Learning , Develop Others , Excellence , Generosity , Relationship , Resilience , Spirituality

My Life Goals and Objectives : Coddiwompling through life and enjoying the serendipity of value-adding to the lives of others

Short Bio : Dr. Jenson is CEO of Coddiwompling, a boutique transformational solutions provider that offers comprehensive services to support organizations in their transformative journey. He is a firm believer of self-caring and wake up every day at 4.30 am to do at least 4 hrs of self-caring activities. He loves learning through play and teaching and spend significant amount of time discovering ways to learn through play especially using LEGO bricks.