Christina Maynes


Christina Maynes

Short Description for List View

Years of Professional Experience : 25

Industries : Finance/Insurance , Non-Profit / Philanthropy

Occupation : Senior Management

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career

Areas of Interest : Business Development , Financial Investments , Project Management

Values : Achievement , Determination , Independence , Resilience , Responsibility

My Life Goals and Objectives : Obviously, I'm in the second stage of my career now. I am starting to think about the next stage of my career and stepping back from full-time work in the next 10-15 years and eventually living in a different part of the world (since I've been in Singapore for 20 years). I've always worked in areas that impact the public good, so I feel certain that, whatever I ended up doing, that I will stay active as long as I can and contribute to my community.

Short Bio : As Regional Director, Southeast Asia with 20+ years of experience in Asian financial markets, Christina Maynes leads Women's World Banking's expansion of its Southeast Asia business footprint and growing regional team. With a global reach of 56 partners in 31 countries serving more than 69 million women clients, Women’s World Banking is a 40-year old, US non-profit organization that works directly with financial insitutions to expand women’s financial inclusion and strengthen women’s economic empowerment around the world through its scalable, market-driven advisory solutions; research, policy and advocacy initiatives, its Network of financial services partners, leadership and diversity programs, and gender-lens private equity funds. Christina is American and has lived and worked in Singapore for over 20years. She graduated from Cornell University and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (MPP) and previously worked and lived in Jakarta.