CDP, Matthias Ong


CDP, Matthias Ong

Short Description for List View

Years of Mentoring Experience : 4

Years of Professional Experience : 12

Industries : Consulting , Engineering , Government , Learning & Development , Non-Profit / Philanthropy , Services , Social Service , Sustainability , Technology

Occupation : Senior Management

LinkedIN Profile :

Areas of Expertise : Career , Entrepreneurship , Leadership , Personal Wellbeing

Areas of Interest : Business Development , Change Management , Circular Economy , Communications , Community-building , Environmental Science , Financial Investments , Leadership , Operations , Partnerships , Project Management , Regulatory Compliance , Renewables , Research & Development

Values : Adaptability , Authenticity , Commitment , Compassion , Contentment , Continuous Learning , Contribution , Courage , Develop Others , Empathy , Family , Forgiveness , Generosity , Gratitude , Honesty , Inclusiveness , Justice , Kindness , Love , Making a Difference , Optimism , Relationship , Resilience , Respect , Spirituality , Trust , Wisdom

My Life Goals and Objectives : To make a difference to everyone, to help those in need, to promote the right values in sustainability

Short Bio : Matthias is a bona fide impact strategist who wants to make a positive and lasting impact to people around the world by helping through disaster and crisis, managing adverse risks, conserving nature, advocating and contributing to sustainable social / infrastructure development and sharing God's love with others. Matthias is known as an excellent team player with multi-disciplinary and cross-sector skills and knowledge. He has a penchant for thinking out of the box and making innovative solutions work all the way from policy to implementation. An expert in climate risk and adaptation planning, having sat on expert panels, running complex initiatives and contributing to national climate plans for Singapore and other countries, he also has experience in strategic social programmes that promote social justice and poverty alleviation. Most importantly of all, Matthias is a devoted follower of Christ. He swims against the currents with conviction. He can't help everyone but he knows that Jesus can.