Alice Ho
Our CPMs
Short Description for List View
Years of Mentoring Experience : 6
Years of Professional Experience : 23
Industries :
Occupation : Business owner / Director
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Areas of Expertise :
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Values :
My Life Goals and Objectives : 1. Develop myself as a solid Mentor and in turn help others 2. Travel and see the world as much as I could to experience history, culture, nature and food 3. Pay it forward to society through volunteering 4. Build a stronger Asian women community in Netherlands 5. Be a community builder through storytelling
Short Bio : Alice has 23 years of experience in the customer service domain. Companies she has worked for included P&G, LVMH, Xilinx, Siemens Medical and Elsevier to name a few. Building teams from scratch in various countries, setting up a Center of Excellence in the Philippines, re-structuring defunct teams and making them the best teams ever, being the #4 employee of a US start-up in Singapore and flying around Asia offices making people redundant (which doesn’t spark joy). She prefers to term them as the 1st half of her career. Alice is now building the 2nd half of her career in the Netherlands and is a quasi-social entrepreneur. Her goal is to combine her passion in helping others that aligns with her life purpose. For example, she is mentoring a final year student from her alumni NUS and is also a mentor for WeDu under the US-Asean Women’s leadership academy for future female changemakers in the human rights sector. At the same time, she is in the midst of being a trainer and community builder through storytelling with the Living Library Center in Amsterdam. It is a program by EU to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Alice is also the founder of the Netherlands Professional Asian women’s group where she believes that Asian women are often under-represented in the western world and wants to change that. For leisure, she has this lofty idea to introduce to her local community the yummy world of Singapore/Asia food. As such, she has a home business that sells a weekly dish to her neighbourhood. It gives her great joy when seeing her customers enjoy her cooking but most importantly making these new connections.