What the Best Mentors Do

Mentor Circle

What the Best Mentors Do
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[This event is curated for Mentors only.] Log-in details and reminders will be emailed by Zoom (under AIM SG name) automatically following your registration. Please do look for them under your spam or junk email folder in case you don't see them and add our email hello@asiainstituteofmentoring.com to your safe list/whitelist to receive the login, news & updates.


Modern organizational mentorship takes place in the environment of the learning organizations and focuses on developing competence, leadership and lifelong learning. The concept of the ideal mentor is now that of an experienced person who can act as an objective sounding-board with the power to influence events; a person who can help and support people as they manage their own learning to maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person whom they want to be. 

Yen-Lu will facilitate a conversation around the Circle to create a mosaic of what the best mentors do to bring out the best in their mentees - guiding them to a greater height whether in business, career, family or personal development.


Yen-Lu Chow

Founding Executive Chairman Asia Institute of Mentoring & WholeTree Foundation / Over-The-Rainbow; Founding Executive Mentor, Young Sustainable Impact Southeast Asia (YSI SEA); Founder of the Deep Human Movement

Yen-Lu is an award-winning entrepreneur, technologist, venture catalyst, social innovator, author, and keynote speaker with a 40-year career in tech, media, venture capital, social entrepreneurship and philanthropy. A former Apple Distinguished Technologist, he is a successful entrepreneur with multiple tech start-ups, an active angel investor, venture catalyst, advisor and mentor to government and businesses. He sits at the nexus of three major social ecosystems: mental health (OTR), mentoring (AIM), and sustainability (YSI SEA), bringing extensive experience in tech and entrepreneurship to build ecosystems and mobilize communities to create positive social change. With the launch of his family foundation and other social impact initiatives, Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities. He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just, and sustainable world.

What is this Mentor Circle session all about?

We are introducing monthly Mentor Circles.

These are mentor led peer learning sessions that will be held online

The key objective of these sessions is for Certified Professional Mentors (and potentially Mentors) of the AIM community to support each other on their mentoring journey.

About Asia Institute of Mentoring 

Asia Institute of Mentoring (AIM) is a non-profit volunteer based organization with a mission to bring mentoring to the spotlight in Asia, raise the quality of mentors and the standard of mentoring, bringing mentoring to all facets of society to impact millions of lives. 

We are committed to create an Asia-based people-powered mentoring movement to move people … to learn, to share, to give forward, to transform, to harness the deep human potential, and create social impact – bringing about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, just and sustainable world for all.

Join us as a member here.

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Date & Time

December 6, 2023

8:00 PM 9:00 PM Asia/Singapore

Asia Institute of Mentoring (AIM) Ltd

+65 9628 9766

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