Mind Matters: The Story of Over-The-Rainbow | Well-Being Series

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October 10 is World Mental Health Day. This October is also the 10-Year Anniversary of the launch of Over-The-Rainbow (OTR), the mental wellness initiative of the not-for-profit family foundation of Yen-Lu & Yee Ling Chow founded in 2010 in loving memory of their dear son and only child who ended his own life at the age of 26 after suffering for many years from manic depression.
Since launching in October 2012, OTR has been a pioneer and trailblazer in the space of youth mental wellness - innovating and pushing the mental health envelope with wellness programs, workshops and festivals, outreach events, community initiatives, volunteer training programs, media projects, online support platforms, mental wellness magazines, newsletters and social media campaigns. These initiatives and activities collectively have touched nearly a million lives through both online and offline touch-points, and transformed many others.
What started from the ashes of a heart-shattering family tragedy has transformed into a thriving organization with a mission that turned into a movement to transform mental wellness for the 21st century.
“It was a humble beginning. We started with just two founders – my wife and I – plus a couple of family friends as volunteers, a website, Facebook page, and a brochure. We had our first event, started the first initiative – slowly momentum built and soon gathered steam – one thing led to another – OTR has since grown into a recognized force in the mental health space.
Our son’s passing also changed the course of my life. I became a mental wellbeing champion, social innovator, ecosystem builder, philanthropist and humanist. Life is a journey – with many of its ups and downs, and potholes along the way. Life is difficult. Life can be a challenge. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Sometimes we are given lemons in life. Can we make lemonades out of lemons that is life? This is the story of OTR – one of the triumphs of love over grief, hope over despair, courage over great odds. We want to celebrate this major milestone, together with the Singapore community.”
- Yen-Lu Chow
Join Yen-Lu as he shares the story of Over-The-Rainbow, and the three defining moments of his life, his inspirations, successes and failures, lessons learned along the way, his “awakening” – how he (and wife Yee Ling) were able to turn a heart-shattering family tragedy into a gift - a mission to change the world for the better by planting more seeds of happiness, healing, transformation, and wellbeing in others and the world.

Yen-Lu Chow
Founding Executive Chairman WholeTree Foundation / Over-The-Rainbow & Asia Institute of Mentoring; Founding Partner Fatfish MediaLab; Executive Mentor YSI SEA; Founder of the Deep Human Movement
Yen-Lu’s career spans nearly 40 years in the tech, media, venture capital, and more recently social entrepreneurship and philanthropy. A former Apple Distinguished Technologist, he is a successful entrepreneur with multiple tech start-ups and an active angel investor, spending many years mentoring and advising entrepreneurs, young businesses and serving on government panels on innovation. He served as a director of Business Angel Network SEA, executive mentor and adjunct professor to NUS Enterprise, mentor to INSEAD, numerous panels on entrepreneurship and innovation internationally, including IDA / SPRING, A*STAR, NRF, GMIC, NUS StartUp@Singapore, NUS Social Venture Competition, NTU Idea Inc, Thailand National Business Plan Competition, CrowdSourcing Week, etc.
In a fast-paced world where the only constant is change, he believes there is an urgent need for each of us to draw on our strengths and creative potential as human beings, to connect with our higher self and our deeper purpose to contribute towards humanity in a positive and impactful way. He enjoys building ecosystems and mobilizing the community to create positive social change. As an early pioneer in the application of AI, he also has a strong base in the tech space. With the launch of his family foundation and other social impact initiatives, Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities.
He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just, and sustainable world.
About Asia Institute of Mentoring
Asia Institute of Mentoring (AIM) is a non-profit volunteer based organization with a mission to bring mentoring to the spotlight in Asia, raise the quality of mentors and the standard of mentoring, bringing mentoring to all facets of society to impact millions of lives.
We are committed to create an Asia-based people-powered mentoring movement to move people … to learn, to share, to give forward, to transform, to harness the deep human potential, and create social impact – bringing about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, just and sustainable world for all.
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