Geopolitical Challenges & How They May Rewrite Global Trade Flows | Leadership Series

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Given the current geopolitical tensions, there is a distinct possibility of the world being divided into two distinct geopolitical groups!
We will explore geopolitics and its historical connection to trade, the barriers and catalysts for trade, how demographic equations continue to dynamically shape global trade flows which are heavily influenced by China's economic rise, changing political equations and the impact of new technologies on trade flows and how it is a powerful geopolitical weapon. An ever-changing landscape that needs to be factored into any business decisions!
Punit Oza
Founder, Maritime NXT
Mr. Punit Oza has over 30 years of experience in Dry Bulk Shipping, holding senior management positions in some leading shipping companies including Precious Shipping, Noble Group & Torvald Klaveness. After working in various corporations, Punit now helms his own company, Maritime NXT, Singapore, a platform dedicated to driving the “Next” in Maritime through investing, training, teaching, mentoring, consulting and collaborating in the commercial shipping & digital transformation space.
Punit holds a Masters in Shipping, Trade and Finance from Bayes (previously CASS) Business School, UK and a LLB and Post Graduate Diploma in Maritime Law from University of London. Punit is a Senior Adjunct Fellow at Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) Academy, and an Affiliated Research Fellow & Guest Lecturer at Singapore Management University (SMU) lecturing on “Geopolitical risks & their impact on shipping & trade flows”. Punit is closely associated with BIMCO as a trainer for their courses. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, UK and currently the Vice Chairman of the Singapore Branch of the Institute.

Stephen Olson
Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation
Stephen Olson is a Research Fellow at the Hinrich Foundation in Hong Kong. Over the course of his 25-plus year international career, Stephen has lived and worked in Asia, the Middle East, and the United States, holding senior executive positions in the private sector, international organizations, government, and academia.
He began his career in Washington DC as an international trade negotiator, and served on the US negotiating team for the NAFTA negotiations. He subsequently became President of the Hong Kong-based Pacific Basin Economic Council, and after that served as Vice Chairman of Cairo-based ARTOC Group for Investment and Development. Currently, he is also a Visiting Scholar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
He has a Masters Degree in international relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and has a B.A. from the State University of New York.

Yen-Lu Chow
Founding Executive Chairman WholeTree Foundation; Over-The-Rainbow; Asia Institute of Mentoring; Founding Partner Fatfish MediaLab; Executive Mentor YSI SEA; Founder of the Deep Human Movement
Yen-Lu’s career spans nearly 40 years in the tech, media, venture capital, and more recently social entrepreneurship and philanthropy. A former Apple Distinguished Technologist, he is a successful entrepreneur with multiple tech start-ups and an active angel investor, spending many years mentoring and advising entrepreneurs, young businesses and serving on government panels on innovation. He served as a director of Business Angel Network SEA, executive mentor and adjunct professor to NUS Enterprise, mentor to INSEAD, numerous panels on entrepreneurship and innovation internationally, including IDA / SPRING, A*STAR, NRF, GMIC, NUS StartUp@Singapore, NUS Social Venture Competition, NTU Idea Inc, Thailand National Business Plan Competition, CrowdSourcing Week, etc.
In a fast-paced world where the only constant is change, he believes there is an urgent need for each of us to draw on our strengths and creative potential as human beings, to connect with our higher self and our deeper purpose to contribute towards humanity in a positive and impactful way. He enjoys building ecosystems and mobilizing the community to create positive social change. As an early pioneer in the application of AI, he also has a strong base in the tech space. With the launch of his family foundation and other social impact initiatives, Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities.
He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just, and sustainable world.
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