AI & Government: Innovation, Efficiency, and Impact

AI & Humanity

AI & Government: Innovation, Efficiency, and Impact
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An increasing number of businesses are deploying AI tools but so are governments. Government agencies, regulators and local councils are turning to AI tools to increase the efficiency of public services. Whether it's developing policy, collecting taxes or managing public services like health, education and defense, AI can process large amounts of data helping government officials take quicker and targeted policy and enforcement action. In the US, approximately 30% of states use AI for fraud detection and a European Commission study found that using AI in the public sector can generate a 5-10% productivity improvement.

Government also has an important role in balancing AI innovation and putting in place the necessary safeguards either as regulation, guidance or code of conduct to ensure that AI is used by everyone in a responsible and ethical manner.

This webinar will discuss AI's potential to revolutionize government services, operations, decision-making processes, and its role in governing AI tools. We will also discuss the challenges like the need for AI expertise and ethical considerations that governments need to address while implementing AI solutions. This event will bring together esteemed AI experts, government officials, and tech industry leaders to provide valuable insights into AI’s current and future applications for creating smarter, more responsive, and citizen-centric government services.


Cheow Hoe Chan

Former Government Chief Digital Technology Officer, Smart Nation and Digital Government Office, & Senior Advisor, Singapore Economic Development Board

Mr Chan Cheow Hoe is the Former Government Chief Digital Technology Officer (GCDTO) of the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO). He is also concurrently the Senior Advisor of the Singapore Economic Development Board.

As the GCDTO, Cheow Hoe oversees the development of the Government’s digital infrastructure and digital technology capability, as well as talent development in information and communication technology and smart systems. He also oversees the development of platforms to enable resource sharing and interoperability across the Government, so as to drive the development and delivery of innovative government digital services for citizens and businesses.

In his role as Senior Advisor to the Economic Development Board, he partners the leadership team to shape the long-term vision for innovation in Singapore’s digital industry, and aid in the development of strategies to fulfill that vision. He will also be involved in engaging and building local companies as well as anchoring new technology companies in Singapore.

Cheow Hoe has more than two decades of extensive experience both in the public and private sectors, with a strong track record in leading digital transformation changes in organisations and the Government. Prior to joining SNDGO, Cheow Hoe held senior appointments in international banks and consulting companies in the areas of technology, operations, finance and business. Cheow Hoe graduated from the National University of Singapore, and obtained his Master's from Wharton School.


Harish Pillay

Engineer, Board Member, All things FOSS/OSPO, Technology ethicist, Arbitrator, Entrepreneur, Internet pioneer, Fellow SCS, Fellow IES, SM IEEE, RISC-V, Software Heritage Ambassador

Harish is an experienced ethical technologist with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry, and is skilled in Python, C, Security, Enterprise Architecture, and Virtualization. He obtained a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Oregon State University. These are augmented with skills in International Arbitration, Internet security and Open Source Metrics ( to become a Tech Ethicist. 


Laurence Liew

AI Strategy and Thought Leader, Director of AI Innovation at AI Singapore, GPAI Expert & Co-Chair

Laurence Liew is an AI Innovator, Educator, and Global Advisor with over 25 years of experience in technology leadership and pioneering roles. As the Director of AI Innovation at AI Singapore, he spearheaded the explosive growth of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, building a high-performing team of AI engineers from scratch. He and his team have collaborated with over 100 organisations, accelerating their AI journey by developing impactful AI products and solutions. His AI Apprenticeship Program and Learn AI initiative have equipped thousands of Singaporeans with deep, practical AI skills.

Laurence led the development of the AI Singapore's AI Readiness Index (AIRI), adopted by organisations across Singapore, Malaysia, Serbia, and member countries of OECD's Global Partnership for AI (GPAI). As GPAI Co-chair for the Innovation and Commercialization working group, he leads global AI strategy, facilitating SMEs' broad adoption of AI.

He served as an adjunct associate professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS SCALE), developing a top-rated Data Analytics course. His career journey had him leading and launching various successful businesses in the AI and cloud computing space including Revolution Analytics and Platform Computing and founded Scalable Systems.

His other appointments include the ITE Board of Governors and as AI Technical Committee Chairman at ISO.


Raju Chellam

Fellow, Advanced Computing for Executives, NUS

Raju Chellam is the Editor-in-Chief of the AI E&G BoK (AI Ethics & Governance Body of Knowledge), an initiative by the SCS (Singapore Computer Society) & IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority) of Singapore. 

Raju is a Fellow of ACE (Advanced Computing for Executives) at NUS (National University of Singapore) School of Computing. He was conferred as an SCS Fellow in March 2018, and served on the APEC DARE (Data Analytics Raising Employment) International Advisory Panel, and on the SWF (Singapore Writers Festival) Advisory Panel.

He is the Hon Chair of Cloud & Data Standards at ITSC (IT Standards Committee), Hon Vice President of SCS Cloud Chapter, and on the Exco of SCS AI & Robotics Chapter. He writes a regular column on tech in The Edge (Malaysia), Dataquest (India), and occasionally in The Straits Times (Singapore). 

Raju has been in the IT industry for the past 43 years. He was previously Head of Big Data & Cloud Practice – as well as Healthcare & Government Solutions – at Dell South Asia (ASEAN, Indo-China, Mongolia & all South Asian countries except India), and Vice President of New Technologies at Fusionex Group, a leading ASEAN company specializing in ABC (AI, Big Data, Cloud) solutions & services. 

Prior to Dell, he was Managing Director of TechTrenders Asia, a boutique advisory that helped companies migrate legacy apps to the cloud. He has previously worked in Hewlett-Packard (APJ Director of Comms), AMI Partners Inc (APAC Vice President) and as the BizIT Editor of The Business Times, Singapore, for a decade.


Nimisha Tailor

Competition and Regulation Specialist, E-nomics

Nimisha is a competition and regulation specialist with international experience. She has advised tech companies, central banks and international organisations like World Bank and OECD in the areas of digital finance, digital trade, data governance, e-commerce and logistics.

Nimisha is passionate about developing the next generation of leaders and mentors young female professionals and university students with career planning.  As a mentor for the NexGen Keynote Women Speakers programme, she has supported talented women to make impactful speeches on stage by drawing on her work experience at consulting firms and government agencies in UK, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia (secondment).


Yen-Lu Chow

Founding Executive Chairman WholeTree Foundation; Over-The-Rainbow; Asia Institute of Mentoring | Founding Partner Fatfish MediaLab | Executive Mentor YSI SEA | Founder of the Deep Human Movement

Yen-Lu’s career spans nearly 40 years in the tech, media, venture capital, and more recently social entrepreneurship and philanthropy. A former Apple Distinguished Technologist, he is a successful entrepreneur with multiple tech start-ups and an active angel investor, spending many years mentoring and advising entrepreneurs, young businesses and serving on government panels on innovation. He served as a director of Business Angel Network SEA, executive mentor and adjunct professor to NUS Enterprise, mentor to INSEAD, numerous panels on entrepreneurship and innovation internationally, including IDA / SPRING, A*STAR, NRF, GMIC, NUS StartUp@Singapore, NUS Social Venture Competition, NTU Idea Inc, Thailand National Business Plan Competition, CrowdSourcing Week, etc. 

In a fast-paced world where the only constant is change, he believes there is an urgent need for each of us to draw on our strengths and creative potential as human beings, to connect with our higher self and our deeper purpose to contribute towards humanity in a positive and impactful way. He enjoys building ecosystems and mobilizing the community to create positive social change. As an early pioneer in the application of AI, he also has a strong base in the tech space. With the launch of his family foundation and other social impact initiatives, Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities.

He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just, and sustainable world.

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Date & Time

June 15, 2024

11:00 AM 12:15 PM Asia/Singapore

Asia Institute of Mentoring (AIM) Ltd

+65 9628 9766

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